
COP10 Week - Clive Bates' Survival Guide

This is COP10 Week in Panama!

Finally, the the 10th session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), focuses on advancing global efforts to reduce the harms caused by tobacco use. This includes discussions on implementing effective tobacco control policies, promoting tobacco cessation initiatives, and strengthening international cooperation to combat the tobacco epidemic.

Clive Bates* provides his expert insights and a survival guide for delegates and stakeholders at the COP10 meeting in Panama. Read the survival guide here.

For daily updates from THR.net, be sure to check this Updates page to stay up-to-date and informed of what is happening on the ground in Panama.

For other resources, you can also check out the following;

  1. Good COP - Bad COP the good COP is the Conference of the People. A fact-checking and challenge initiative from the Taxpayer's Protection Alliance with experts and consumers present in Panama City during the COP.

  2. FCTC COP-10 scorecard Tobacco Harm Reduction Network, led by Dr Derek Yach, former Director at WHO and original architect of the FCTC.

  3. COPWatch is a consumer guide to the COP and contains several excellent critiques of WHO and the Secretariat.

  4. FCTC and COP: an explainer Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction sets out significant issues with the substance and process of COP-10.

*Clive Bates has a diverse background, having worked across the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors. He currently serves as the director of Counterfactual Consulting Limited, where his focus is on consulting and advocacy within the realm of sustainability. His areas of expertise include energy, environment, public health, good governance, and advocacy skills.

further reading