
The Welsh Go Towards a Smoke-Free Wales: Tobacco Control Delivery Plan 2022-2024.

The draft strategy sets out the Welsh Government’s vision for a smoke-free Wales by 2030, this means achieving a smoking prevalence rate in adults of 5% or less over the next eight years.

To support this ambition, they will be driving forward work across their three key themes of Reducing Inequalities, Future Generations and a Whole-System Approach for a Smoke-Free Wales.

The consultation will close on 31 March 2022. They want to hear views and get feedback on their plans for tobacco control in Wales from everyone affected by tobacco in Wales, including the public, young people and stakeholders.

They are also planning engagement events during the consultation period. If you would like to be involved, please contact them at: [email protected] for further details.

Government page to read more about the Consultation: HERE

How to respond

Submit your comments by 31 March 2022, in any of the following ways:

  1. Complete our online form

  2. Download, complete our response form and email [email protected]

  3. Download, complete our response form and post to:

Risk Behaviours Team Welsh Government Cathays Park Cardiff CF10 3NQ

Welsh Post.png

further reading