
New Platform Revealed: The Asia Harm Reduction Alliance

On September 28th, a new Asia Harm Reduction Alliance platform was launched, to bring together consumers, policymakers, and harm reduction experts in the health care community in the Asia Pacific and the Middle East region.

The new website, along with a Twitter page and YouTube Channel, will provide advocates with up-to-date information on tobacco, alcohol, and drug health policy, scientific research, and news.

Dr. Marewa Glover, Director, Centre of Research Excellence: Indigenous Sovereignty & Smoking, New Zealand, is featured on the site as one of the champions of the platform, along with six other health experts. Dr. Marewa Glover quotes:

There are compassionate and more cost-effective ways to reduce smoking prevalence. One of these is to encourage switching to a low-risk alternative. The use of e-cigarettes (vaping) has been found to be more effective than nicotine replacement therapy in enabling people to quit smoking

To read more and visit the website, click here.


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